Germany by phone
How to telephone Germany and useful emergency numbers in Germany
Germany's country code is
Major German city codes:
Berlin: 030 | Düsseldorf: 0211 | Leipzig: 0341 |
Bonn: 0228 | Frankfurt am Main: 069 | Munich: 089 |
Cologne (Köln): 0221 | Hamburg: 040 | Nürnberg: 0911 |
Dresden: 0351 | Hanover: 0511 | Stuttgart: 0711 |
How to call Germany
Use SkypeSkype is the cheapest way to place any call, international or otherwise. The only catch is you need an Internet connection. That's easy enough at home. While traveling use either cybercafes or the Skype app for smartphones (not roaming—pricey—but on WiFi).

- If you're calling anywhere in Germany from outside Germany: Dial your international dialing prefix (011 in the U.S. and Canada; 00 in most other countries), then the country code (49), then the city code (though leave off the initial zero), then the number.
In other words, to call Munich from the United States, dial 011-49-89 and then the number. (Actually, just use Skype. It's easier and cheaper.) - If you're calling one German city from another part of Germany: Dial the city code—including the initial zero—then the number. So to dial Munich from, say, Berlin, dial 089-xxx-xxxx.
- If you're calling another number from within the same city: Drop the city code entirely and just dial the number itself.
Emergency numbers in Germany
In any emergency dial
Police: tel. 110
Emergency medical: tel. 112
Ambulance: tel. 112
Fire: tel. 112
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This article was by Reid Bramblett and last updated in December 2011.
All information was accurate at the time.
Copyright © 1998–2013 by Reid Bramblett. Author: Reid Bramblett.