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Sights covered by Artecard
In Naples
Museo Archeologico
Museo Capodimonte
Certosa di San Martino
Castel Sant'Elmo
Castel Nuovo
Palazzo Reale
Duomo museums
...and more
Nearby in Campania
Paestum (museum and site)
Reggia di Caserta
Capua amphitheater
Capua mithraeum
Campi Flegrei (pretty much everything)
...and more
Get the discount card: The Campania Artecard (www.campaniartecard.it) will get you into many top sights for free—not just in Naples, but across Campania, including Pompeii and other biggies (the list on the right compiles the highlights, but it covers 38 major sights flat-out, plus offers discounts on two dozen others and on theaters, shops, events, and tourist services). You can pick it up at participating sights, the airport, train stations, major ports, many hotels, car parks, travel agencies, newsstands...it's pretty easy to find.
There are nine versions, and it can get confusing. Avoid the cheapest, the "Napoli Centro Antico" one; it's not worth it. Here are the most useful variants:
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