Lipari restaurants

Where to dine on Lipari in the Aeolian Islands of Sicily

The best restaurant on the island is outside the main town, Ugo and Marisa Giacomo's La Ginestra, in Pianocorte. The mid-range prices are worth it, and their pride in traditional local dishes shines through in their specialty coniglio in agrodolce (sweet-and-sour rabbit). October to June 15, they close Wednesday. Via Stradale, Pianocorte... » more

Liparians really pack it into the inexpensive Trattoria d'Oro for grilled fish and good lasagne. They're open daily, but close some Sundays November to February. Via Umberto 1° 28–32... » more

For good pizza with good people-watching, book an outdoor table at Da Bartolo; closed Friday in the off-season. Via Garibaldi 53. tel. +39-090-981-1700.

The renowned Pasticceria Stubba has since 1930 been serving pastries that are quite heavenly—one citrus/almond treat is even called paradiso. Via Vittorio Emanuele 92. tel. +39-090-981-1352.

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