How to get to Erice

Travel times to get to Agrigento
How long it takes to get to Erice by car. All drive times are relative to Noto and represent the total time the drive takes. (So from Palermo to Erice is about 1.5 hr., from Cefalù to Erice is 2 hr.) (Map courtesy of Google Maps)

Arriving in Erice by train, car, bus, or plane

Erice is on a mountain 13km (8 miles) east of the city of Trapani near the westernmost tip of Sicily.

If you are not driving, the only way to get to Erice is by local bus from neighboring Trapani (which is well serviced by trains and buses).

» Jump down to Erice city layout and transport hubs (train station and bus depot). Although the neighboring city of Trapani does have its own tiny airport (Trapani Birgi) receiving some Ryanair fligths from elsewhere in Italy and Europe, the closest airport for most connections is in Palermo, TKkm east.

From TK to Erice  TK hr.

How to get to Erice from TK

  • By car: Erice is TKkm (TK miles) TK of TK. TK to Erice. TK hr.
  • By train: There are TK trains daily (TK on Sunday) from TK to Erice. TK hr.
  • By bus: There are TK buses daily (TK on Sunday) from TK to Erice. TK hr.


  • How to get to Erice: Erice is 112km (67 miles) west of Palermo.
    • How to get to Erice by train or bus: To get to Erice by public transportation, you must head to the provincial capital of Trapani 14km (8.4 miles) below Erice on the coast. To Trapani, there are 8–9 trains daily from Palermo (2–4 hr.) to Trapani—or you can take one of 25–30 daily buses (1hr. 55 min.) run by Interbus/Sicilbus/Segesta (tel. +39-091-616-7919, From Agrigento, Lumia (tel. +39-0922-20-414, runs 3 buses daily, 1 on Sunday from Piazzale F.lli Rosselli to Trapani (3–4 hr.).

      From Trapani, there are about ten AST buses (tel. +39-0923-21-021, daily up to Erice (40–60 min.).
    • How to get to Erice by Car: Follow the A29dir from Palermo or Segesta to the first Trapani exit, then the signposted switchback road up the mountain.

Erice city layout


Erice train station


Erice bus depot

Tips & links


Erice Tourist info:
Viale Conte A. Pepoli 11
tel. +39-0923-869-388 or 0923-869-173

Tours of TK
Hotels in Erice
Useful links & resources

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Erice Tourist info:
Viale Conte A. Pepoli 11
tel. +39-0923-869-388 or 0923-869-173

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