Hotel Astro

Contemporary rooms two blocks from the beach in Cefalù's new town

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This modern hotel is in the new part of town, five minutes’ walk from the centro storico and two blocks from the beach.

The simple, contemporary-style rooms have oils on the walls, nice modular furnishings, a few scattered Persian rugs, and plenty of elbow room.

My only complaints are the cranky doorknobs, funny-tasting tap water that never truly gets hot, and considerable noise on the two sides that face streets—especially during morning rush hour.

The hotel restaurant is on a terrace off the sidewalk, although the street's so busy this may actually be a drawback.

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Hotel Astro
Via Lungomare Giardina, Cefalù. (Turn left out of station; the street ends in 3 blocks at Via Roma and the hotel.)
tel. +39-0921-421-639 / 0921-440-411

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Other hotels in Cefalù

Lodgings in the old center of Cefalù
Hotel La Giara [€]
Hotel La Plumeria [€€]
Bed & Breakfasts
Palazzo Villelmi B&B [€]
Casanova B&B [€]
Dolce Vita B&B [€]
B&B Bohemien [€]
Apartment Piazzetta [€€]
Appartamenti Palazzo Maria [€€]
Le Case del Girasole apartments [€€€]

Lodgings on the beach in Cefalù
Hotel Tourist [€€]
Cefalù Sea Palace [€€]
Calanica Residence Bungalows [€€]
Hotel Riva del Sole [€€€]
Hotel Santa Lucia Le Sabbie d'Oro [€]
Hotel Kalura (private cove E of town) [€€]

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Hotel Astro
Via Lungomare Giardina, Cefalù. (Turn left out of station; the street ends in 3 blocks at Via Roma and the hotel.)
tel. tel. +39-0921-421-639 / 0921-440-411

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Lodgings in the old center of Cefalù
Hotel La Giara [€]
Hotel La Plumeria [€€]
Bed & Breakfasts
Palazzo Villelmi B&B [€]
Casanova B&B [€]
Dolce Vita B&B [€]
B&B Bohemien [€]
Apartment Piazzetta [€€]
Appartamenti Palazzo Maria [€€]
Le Case del Girasole apartments [€€€]

Lodgings on the beach in Cefalù
Hotel Tourist [€€]
Cefalù Sea Palace [€€]
Calanica Residence Bungalows [€€]
Hotel Riva del Sole [€€€]
Hotel Santa Lucia Le Sabbie d'Oro [€]
Hotel Kalura (private cove E of town) [€€]

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