How to get to Enna

Travel times to get to Enna
How long it takes to get to Enna by car. All drive times are relative to Enna and represent the total time the drive takes. (Map courtesy of Google Maps)

Arriving in Enna by train, car, plane, and bus

Enna is dead-center in the middle of Sicily, on the A19 highway that meanders from Catania through the Sicilian interior and up to the northern coast (hitting it about half-way between Palermo and Cefalù).

  • Enna is 87km (54 miles) west of Catania
  • Enna is 107km (66 miles) south of Cefalù
  • Enna is 91km (56 miles) northeast of Agrigento
  • Enna is 135km (84 miles) southeast of Palermo
  • Enna is TKkm (TK miles) northwest of Piazza Armerina
  • Enna is TKkm (TK miles) northwest of Caltagirone

» Jump down to Enna city layout and transport hubs (train station and bus depot)

How to get to Enna from TK

  • By car: TK to Enna. TK hr.
  • By train: TK to Enna. TK hr.
  • By bus: TK to Enna. TK hr.

How to get to Enna by train: From Agrigento, there are 7-9 daily trains (40 min.); sometimes you must transfer at Caltanissetta Xirbi. From Catania, there are 8-11 daily runs (80 min.).

How to get to Enna by bus: From Catania, there are 7 SAIS buses (1 on Sunday) that make the 80 min. From Via P. Basalmo in Palermo there is a daily 6:30am SAIS bus (Sundays two buses: at 9am and noon) to Enna (105 min.)

How to get between ENNA and the Catania airport: SAIS AUTOLINEE (tel. +39 095 536168 or toll free in Italy 800-211-020, Offices: Corso Sicilia 20, Enna. OR INTERBUS (tel. +39-095-530-396, runs 1 bus daily (2.5 hr.).

Enna city layout


Enna train station

The Enna train ssattion is down in the valley about 3.5 miles below the town.

A local bus will take you from the station up into the town itself. Otherwise, there's a taxi stand across from the bus terminus, or call tel. +39-0935-500-906 (that's the official number; if no one answers, ring cabbie Niccolò directly at tel. +39-0935-25-691).

Enna bus depot

Enna's bus terminal is on Viale Diaz on the west edge of town, with a ticket booth open Monday to Saturday 9am to noon and 4 to 8:12pm (otherwise, buy on the bus).

For info contact SAIS (tel. +39-0935-500-902 or +39-800-211-020,

Tips & links


Enna bus info:
tel. +39-091-616-6028

Tourist info Enna:
Via Roma 411
tel. +39-0935-528-288

Hotels in Enna
Useful links & resources

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tel. +39-091-616-6028

Tourist info Enna:
Via Roma 411
tel. +39-0935-528-288

Hotels in Enna

  • TK
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