About BeyondHotels.NET
Unlike most travel Websites, where the accommodations coverage focuses almost exclusively on hotels, BeyondHotels.net is devoted to all the different types of lodging options in Europe, from cottages and campgrounds to castles and convents, plus some 20 others that don't even start with the letter "C."
Designed, written, and maintained by a professional travel writer with more than 20 years of experience in traveling Europe (and in finding ways to save money on lodging over there), this site aims to provide travelers with all the details, advice, and resources they need to research, find, and book that rental villa, dorm room, agritouism farm stay, motel, or mountain hut—or to swap their home, crash for free in a friendly local's spare room , work on a farm, sign on to help crew a boat cruising the Mediterranean, or any others of some two dozen ways to land a place to sleep.
There are also, of course, plenty of tips and hints on traditional hotels as well, if that's your cup of tea—or shot of espresso, or pint of beer, or glass of wine, or whatever else you'd like to indulge in with all the money you can save on accommodations each night.
This site has several sister travel sites to help you travel better and more cheaply in Europe:
- NoFrillsAir.com - Everything you need to know about Europe's wonderful low-cost airlines like RyanAir and easyJet that make European travel faster, cheaper, and easier than ever before.
- EuropeTrains.org - A site chock full of hints, tips, and insider's advice on railpasses and the European train system.
- EuropeHostels.org - Even more in-depth information about Europe's most tried-and-true method of finding a truly cheap place to crash for the night.
Happy travels!
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This article was last updated in January 2008. All information was accurate at the time.
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