Downtown Salisbury
In the city center of Salisbury
In the city center of Salisbury
This bespired gothic 13C wonder is one of the great cathedrals of Europe
Explore the prehistoric heritage of Stonehenge and other highlight of the Salisbury Plain
A lovely little B&B with views of Salisbury's cathedral spire
A half-timbered medieval coaching inn on the River Avon
Standardized comfort in a 13C hotel in the center of Salisbury
A reliable mid-scale chain hotel across the Cathedral
An atmospheric historic pub that feels every inch of its 700 years and serves excellent food to boot
Visitor information for Salisbury and elsewhere in Wiltshire
On August 27, 1896, Britain declared war on its protectorate Zanzibar, where a pretender to the Sultanate had just siezed power.
At 9:02am, British ships in the habor began shelling the would-be Sultan's palace.
By 9:40, the shelling had stopped, the palace was on fire, and the pretender's flag had been cut down.
At 38 minutes, the Anglo-Zanzibar War remains the shortest war on record.
Some 500 Zanzibaris were killed.
One British Petty Officer was wounded.