Plan your trip to Oxford
Oxford useful information to help you plan your vacation
Oxford useful information to help you plan your vacation
How to get to Oxford, England, by car, coach, train, and airplane
Tourist information, guidebooks, maps, tips for niche groups (students, LGBT, seniors, disabled, etc.), and more
Keeping in touch while traveling—Cellphones and Skype, mail and roaming fees, and how to call to, from, and within the U.K.
From credit cards, cash, and ATMS to VAT refunds, travelers checks, and customs limits
All those boring but necessary travel details: passports, entry visas, trip insurance, health insurance, customs regulations, and all the other super-fun pre-trip preparations
Henry Liddell, the Dean of Christ Church College from the 1850s to 1891, had a duaghter in 1852 he named Alice Pleasance Liddell. The Liddell family struck up a friendship with a mathematics professor named Charles Dodgson, who would regale the Liddell sisters with elaborate fantasy tales on their boating trips down Oxford's rivers. Little Alice begged Dodgson to write some of them down, and he did, using the pename Lewis Carroll, casting a precocious seven-year old girl named "Allice" as the protagonist, and eventually publishing Alice in Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass and What Alice Found There.