Student tours of the U.K.

Student and youth tours of England, Scotland, and Wales
Most group tours are, frankly, full of people just to either side of retirement. Nothing wrong with middle-aged folk or senior citizens; just that their tours might not be the most fun for someone in their late teens or early 20s.
Enter the Student Tour, guided groups gallivanting around Europe where, for once, the age limit is a maximum and where the activities, destinations, itineraries, and evening entertainments are straight up a student's alley.
Some focus on fun; some focus on learning. Peruse many; find the one that best fits your style.
Student tours
- - This travel agency can point you to a variety of small group student and youth tours.Partner
- - Since the 1960s, a top purveyor of educational, cultural-immersion, and service learning tours for students and youths.
- - Longest established youth tour company aimed at 18–35 year olds.
- - Branch of EF Tours aimed at college break times and strictly for those aged 18–28.
- - Tours and travel programs for students and young professionals since 1977.
- - Weekend Student Adventures are jsut what they sound like: Whirlwind weekend trips in Europe's top cities, including tours, meals, and two nights lodging in a hostel. The company was founded and run by Andy Steves, son of famous guidebook author Rick Steves.
- - This is actually a tour company that teachers or youth-group leaders can sign up to use to provide all the actual travel arrangments for their class or group.
Student resources
- - International Student Identity Cards from STA Travel.Partner
- - Premier travel agency for students (and teachers), providing everything from discounted airfares to international cell phones and calling plans to the ISIC student identity card. I used them (well, their predecessor, Council Travel) to book the big ticket items like airfare when I took my Boy Scout troop to Europe.Partner
- - Online rival to STA, with decent line on cheap airfares.
- - Premier Canadian student travel agency. All the services of STA for our Canuck neighbors to the north.
- - Intel on studying abroad.
- - CIEE is the preeminent organization devoted to American students studying abroad (and their professors).
- - National Registration Center for Studies Abroad.
- - American Institute for Foreign Study.
- - Institute of International Education.