Top money tips

Top traveler tips for dealing with money and shopping in the U.K.
What kind of money do they use in the United Kingdom? The U.K. uses British pounds stirling. (The neighboring Republic of Ireland uses the euro). These days, a pound—the currency symbol looks like this: £—is worth about US$1.35 (or US$1 equals 75p). This is called the exchange rate, and the lower this number, the better off you are, since it will cost you less to buy each pound. British coins include 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, and everybody's favorite: the thick, weighty, golden £1 coin. Bills come in denominations of £5, £10, £20, and £50. » more
What's the cheapest way to pay for things in the U.K? You will get a far, far better exchange rate (roughly 9%) paying by credit card than you ever will using an ATM to get cash (let's not even talk about the crummy rates you get exchanging traveler's checks or using a commercial exchange office rather than a bank). A study in 2011, showed that the exchange rate you get by using a credit card was, on average, 8.9% better than that charged by U.S. banks to get cash out of an ATM (coupled, in some case, with fees). That's like tearing up a $10 bill for every $111 withdrawn from a foreign ATM. The actual bank-by-bank numbers ranged from 4% worse than credit cards (at Northern Bank) to 14.25 worse (way to top the charts, U.S. Bank!). The only thing worse than a bank was using the exchange service Travelex (where you take a 14.7% hit). Still, not everywhere accepts credit card (and some places will give you a cash discount), so you do need to have some local cash on hand. » more
How can I get British pounds? The best way to get pounds is to wait until you are in the U.K. and use your home bankcard in any local British ATM, which are widespread and work just like the ones at home (see the next answer for details). Not only is this method fast and easy, but it also means you will receive the most favorable exchange rate possible. You can also change dollars or travelers checks at any bank—and at most hotels' front desks—however, you will receive fewer euros per dollar than if you use an ATM. If you are in a pinch and need to change cash or checks, always try a bank first as hotels, exchange booths, and shops that offer to change money inevitably do so at rates favorable to them, not you, and often charge commissions. » more
How do I use an ATM in the U.K.? The U.K. (all of Europe) is like America: there are ATM bank machines at all major airports and train stations, as well as at the banks that occupy the street corners and main squares of every town. ATMs in Britain work just like those at home. You put in your card, punch in your four-digit PIN, select how much you want, and it spits out pounds, immediately and automatically deducting the money from your home checking account. » more
- Do I need to have pounds before I leave for the U.K.? Not really. It may help relieve a modicum of stress on the day you arrive—since otherwise your first order of business upon arrival will probably be to find an ATM in the airport—but it isn't necessary. You can buy pounds from major branches of U.S. banks (if you live in the 'burbs, they'll probably offer to order you some from their downtown office), but at truly crummy exchange rates, and often with a fee. It really isn't worth the hassle. » more
Can I use dollars in the U.K.? Some businesses in Britain may accept U.S. dollars—or at least be willing to change them for you—but this is far from the norm—and you will get a terrible exchange rate. Get your hands on some pounds as soon as possible and use those or credit cards for all of your transactions. » more
How can I get the best exchange rate? Always use a bank or its attached ATM. You'll get the best rates, If the banks are closed and you're in a bind, the next best thing is a commercial exchange office or booth (emblazoned with multilingual "Cambio/Exchange/Change/Wechsel" signs). If it's an emergency—late at night and even the exchange joints are closed—fall back on the hotel's front desk for the worst exchange rates. In a true pinch, some shops will also change cash (U.S. dollars, euros, or Japanese yen; rarely anything else) or traveler's checks. » more
Can I use my credit card in the U.K.? By all means, yes! Most of Europe takes plastic—save for a few smaller mom-and-pop trattorie and hotels. You also get a pretty good exchange rate when paying by credit card. Note that, no matter what the ad campaigns say, Visa and MasterCard are more widely accepted in Britain than is American Express, though AMEX is also pretty widespread (just don't rely on it exclusively). No other major American credit card (Discover, etc.) is even recognized in the U.K. so just leave the Sears and Shell cards at home. (For what it's worth, the Japanese JCB is also widely accepted.) It should be noted that you can sometimes get a better price if you offer to pay in cash. » more
Do I need traveler's checks? No, not really. Traveler's checks are prepaid checks you can get from your bank, AMEX, or AAA office then exchange anywhere in the world (at banks, hotels, and in some shops) for the equivalent amount in local currency. For decades, they were the way everyone carried the bulk of their travel budget, but the evolution of international computerized banking and proliferation of ATMs have rendered traveler's checks pretty much obsolete. You have to wait in a bank line (with ID) to cash them, fewer and fewer banks offer this service, and the exchange rate isn't as good as you'd get simply using your bank card at an ATM. That said, traveler's checks do remain a secure way to carry a few hundred bucks in emergency cash—if you lose them, you can get the money refunded in full. » more
- Are there money scams in Britain I need to watch for? Sadly, yes. Not as many as some guidebooks and rumors would have you believe, but there will always be the occasional unscrupulous cabbie, waiter, or hotel clerk just waiting for an unsuspecting or clueless tourist they can take advantage of. Just be alert, scrutinize all bills, and read the full page on common scams to avoid the bulk of the rip-offs. » more
- - Site to find credit unions and other local banks. These often have low or no foreign transaction fees on their credit cards and ATM fee–refund policies.
- - Offers cards with no foreign transaction fee, and chip-and-signature enabled (making it easier to use in Europe).
- - Offers cards with no foreign transaction fee, and chip-and-signature enabled (making it easier to use in Europe).
- - Good simple search engine to find travel-worthy cards, from no foreign fees to the ones with the best points.
- - Online-only bank (and the one I use), with ATM feee refunds and no foreign transaction fees. Sadly, no credit cards (yet)—though you can use your MasterCard-branded bank card as a debit card.
- - Online-only bank open to current and former U.S. military personnel and their families; ATM fee refunds, and credit cards with only 1% foreign transaction fees.
- - This famous brokerage firm also offers online-only checking and savings accounts with ATM fee refunds.
- - Credit union–finding site. Credit unions often have low or no foreign trasnaction fees on their credit cards, ATM fee–refund policies, very few fees, and interest-bearing checking accounts. In other words: What a bank should be.
- - Site to find credit unions and other local banks. These often have low or no foreign transaction fees on their credit cards and ATM fee–refund policies.
- - All about credit unions.
- - Bare-bones credit union-finding database.
- - Tax-free shopping
- - Tax-free shopping
- - Tax-free shopping
- - More than you ever wanted to about the world of duty-free—though this is a totally pro-Duty Free site, so take everything with a grain of salt.
- - Another site devoted to the world of duty-free— and, again, very pro-Duty Free, so take everything with a grain of salt.
- - Everything the American traveler needs to know about what you are allowed to bring back into the U.S. and how much you can bring in tax-free.
- - Everything the Canadian traveler needs to know about what you are allowed to bring back into Canada how much you can bring in tax-free.
- - Includes links to the various agencies that control what you can and cannot bring (and how much of it) into Australia upon your return
- - Everything the Kiwi traveler needs to know about what you are allowed to bring back in New Zealand and how much you can bring in tax-free.
- - This newer entrant the the money-transfer game is all online and is now owned by PayPal. You can send up to $2,999 at a time for instant pickup at tens of thousands of locations around the globe for just $5 (though note that cash pickup is available only in some countries; for others, you may only wire funds into an existing bank account). Limit: $2,999.00.
- - The old standby of Western Union offers one benefit over MoneyGram (below): in addition to online or in person from a Western Union office, the sender can do it over the phone (800-CALL-CASH, which is 800-225-5227), allowing your newest favorite uncle to bail you out from the comfort of his own home and send the quick cash to offices in any of 190 countries. For immediate transfers, you must pay with a credit card or debit card ($12–$145 fee), or you can draw from a bank account ($5, but takes 3 days). Limit: $2,999.00 (though you can sign up for a service that lifts that ceiling—but transfers will not be instantaneous).
- - Money zips over the wires to offices in 155 countries worldwide in about ten minutes, for the privilege of which the sender, standing at his local MoneyGram branch office, gets to pay a fee of $12–$145 (depending on the amount sent), or just $5 if they draw directly from a bank account and you can wait 3 days. Plus the sender gets to include for free a 10-word message that arrives along with the funds, perhaps something along the lines of "When you get home I'm gonna tear you a new..." Limit: $2,999.00.
- - Your local AAA auto club will sell members AMEX-branded traveler's checks at no fee.
- - The most widely accepted checks. They will also sell checks to holders of most types of American Express cards at no commission.
- - Britain's mighty financial and tourism operator issues MasterCard traveler's checks.